US-China Strategic Competition

The China Challenge

As U.S. elections approach, China remains at the forefront of U.S. foreign policy. Previous administrations have labeled China as a revisionist power intent on changing the U.S.-led world order and committed the U.S. to competing with China across all dimensions of national power. Over the course of the seminar, fellows will assess what a new era of strategic competition with China looks like, the stakes of such a competition, what China's objectives are, and how its leaders seek to achieve them. They will gain an understanding of how the U.S. can reshape its strategy to avoid, yet be prepared for, conflict. Fellows will study with leading experts on the Chinese economy, political warfare, and the role of regional allies through different theaters of competition.

Program details

Each seminar will meet on the same designated day of the week from 6:00pm-8:30pm. Fellows will be responsible for around 50 pages of reading for each session and will be required to write two short essays over the course of the program. All four tracks will convene together for the first and last sessions. Over the course of the program, fellows will also have the opportunity to take part in a crisis simulation, to attend the annual Writing Workshop Conference, and to be published in the SSS journal, Security and Strategy.

Past Instructors