Announcing Our New Program Assistants

The Alexander Hamilton Society (AHS) is pleased to announce the appointment of Robert Delfeld and Athena Zacharakos as its new Program Assistants. Robert will assist with AHS’s Office of Career Services by providing our students with support and facilitating mentorship and networking opportunities within the AHS network. Athena will primarily provide logistic support to AHS’s Security and Strategy Seminar as well as assist with alumni and young professional programming in Washington, DC. Robert and Athena will also support major national initiatives such as the Student Leadership Conference and the Hamilton National Institute. They both are dedicated to our principles and are looking to advance our mission through their work at AHS.

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Robert Delfeld recently graduated from Williams College with a B.A. in History and English, completing an honors thesis on the works of John Milton. Prior to joining the AHS staff, Robert completed internships in DC political media and with Quorum Analytics, a public affairs software startup. He studied British government and intellectual history as a member of the Williams- Exeter Programme at Oxford, focusing on the co-evolution of theology and early modern political theory. He can be reached directly at

Athena Zacharakos recently graduated from the College of William & Mary with a B.A. in International Relations with minors in Chinese Language & Literature and Global Business. Before joining the AHS team, Athena interned at Telemus Group, where she researched foreign military bases and systems to prepare for wargames. She worked as a Research Assistant for the William &Mary Government Department where she used GIS and created maps to support faculty research. Athena also conducted research on East Asian Security threats and China’s Anti-access Area Denial strategy. She was the President and Co-founder of the AHS chapter at William & Mary. She can be reached directly at